Types of foster carer
Foster carers come in all shapes and sizes, and so do the children you will look after. This includes the length of time they may stay with you. Depending on the child's needs, foster carers can step in from just a weekend a month to offer respite care.

Each child that comes into care is different and has their own circumstances. Children could be on their own, or part of a family group of brothers and sisters. If we can find a foster home with enough space for siblings to be kept together, it makes things just that little bit easier for children at an already difficult time.
You'll work out which type of foster care you and your family are best suited to as you go through the assessment process with your council's specialist social workers.
Different types of fostering

Short-term fostering

Long-term fostering

Short break or respite fostering

Specialist fostering

Parent and child fostering

Unaccompanied asylum seeking children

Supported lodgings
Which types of fostering are right for you?
Whether it's fostering for a weekend, a week, a month, a year or more, sharing your heart and home can shape a child's life and future for the better. If you think you could provide care and support for a child in our region, please get in touch.