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Could you be a foster carer?

More than 7,000 children are currently in care in the East of England. We need your help to look after them.

What is fostering?

Foster parents provide children with a safe home on a short-term or longer-term basis.

Who can foster?

Most people can foster. Fostering can fit flexibly around you, your family and your career. Fostering is an inclusive role - you don't need any specific qualifications to start with. Training is provided before you start and continues once you're approved.

Types of foster carer

Foster carers come in all shapes and sizes, and so do the children you will look after. This includes the length of time they may stay with you. Depending on the child's needs, foster carers can step in from just a weekend a month to offer respite care.

How much do foster carers earn?

Foster carers are paid for the work they do, and receive money to cover the costs of having a child or children living with them. These payments are called fostering fees and allowances.

Why foster with your council?

When you foster with your local council, you're never alone. You receive training locally from experts, and support from a team dedicated to helping you foster with confidence.

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