On-going training and support
After being approved as a foster carer, your learning will continue. We have a wide range of free courses you can attend to help you develop your skills further.

On-going training for approved foster carers is an essential part of what Foster East has to offer. All local authority foster carers are encouraged to sign up for courses including first-aid, safeguarding and providing safe care and are all available locally to you. Some training courses have to be completed regularly to refresh your knowledge in certain areas. We also offer therapeutic training opportuities and training around trauma.
As a partnership, Foster East allows any local authority foster carer in the East of England to join a training session delivered by any participating authority. Please speak with your supervising social worker if there is a course you are interested in.
Foster carer training is free of charge and delivered in flexible ways
Courses take place at flexible times so you can easily attend. Many courses take place during the school day, so you won't need additional childcare. Training courses can be held online for you to join from home, or held in a convenient location where you can go along and meet other foster carers in person to swap stories and experiences.
Your continuous professional development is really important to us. We want you to be able to foster with confidence, and help the children in your care thrive. To help further your fostering career, we also offer opportunities to qualify in specialist types of fostering, including parent and child placements, for example.

Linked support networks
Foster carers benefit hugely from the support and experience of other foster carers via a linked support network. When a foster carer is part of a linked support network, it automatically increases your social circle. It's a bit like having an extended family of trained foster carers and their foster children. You can go on days out together, and they can help you out with sleepovers, short breaks and babysitting. The principle is simple: you're in it together with other foster carers, you're never alone.
Some councils have their own linked support network, some councils are implementing Mockingbird, a linked support fostering programme set up by the charity, The Fostering Network. Each group of fostering families within the Mockingbird model is called a constellation. There are usually around six to ten fostering families in each constellation. The families can differ in sizes and might include single parent foster carers or couples and birth children, along with any looked after children. Foster carers are linked together, with a focus on providing mutual support, skills sharing and regular socialising. Each constellation group is also supported by a family support worker from your local authority.

Foster ambassadors
Experienced foster carers can become fostering ambassadors. Ambassadors work with Foster East and their local authority to help encourage more people to become foster parents. Ambassadors come along to fostering information events to share their experiences with people considering becoming a foster carer.
Interested in joining us?
Use our online form to enquire now, or give us a call on 0330 024 1177 between 8am and 8pm any day of the week to find out more.