Thinking about fostering
Finding out if fostering is right for you can be exciting, and might be a bit overwhelming. There is so much information available. Find out more about the huge difference fostering makes to families and children in our region.

What is fostering?
When a child can't live at home or with a close relative or family friend, they become a child who is cared for by the local authority. Foster parents provide children with a safe home on a short-term or longer-term basis.

How much do foster carers earn?
Foster carers are paid for the work they do, and receive money to cover the costs of having a child or children living with them. These payments are called fostering fees and allowances.

Become a foster carer
It usually takes around six months to be approved as a foster carer and matched with your first child, children or young person. The experienced team here at Foster East is here to help every step of the way.

Transfer to us
Local authorities are best placed to match foster families with the children in our care. We offer superb support networks, generous allowances, excellent training opportunities and a dedicated team to give you the confidence you need to foster.